Thanks to everyone who joined the Summerfest at Essingers Art Club in Mödling last Saturday, with my "Holes in Light" in its performative form. And SAVE THE DATE for its new version at Ars Electronica in Linz on Sept. 5, 2024.

Thank you to everyone who came to experience summer vibes at Essingers Art Club in Mödling last Saturday, and most importantly, the wonderful art with a special evening dedicated to short films and performances where I also premiered my short award-winning film (awarded the Hubert Sielecki Prize this year) “Holes in Light”, in its performance version.

If you could not make it last Saturday night, you are kindly invited to see all the works still on view from the current exhibition: “Textiles”, curated by Florentina Welley for Essinger Art Club... with artists: Carola Dertnig, Michael Duerr, Edelgard Gerngross, Sofia Goscinski, Teresa Grandits, Elif Basar, Lo Breier, Assunta Abd El Azim Mohamed, Frenzi Rigling, Eva Petrič & Lobmeyr, Tina Lechner, Anita Witek...
You can also see my collaboration "TELETELEshadowPORTATION" with Lobmeyr.
If you could not make it to the opening, you are kindly invited to visit the exhibition until September 9th at Essinger Haus - Friedrich Schiller Straße 34 A – 2340 Mödling.

THANK YOU to Florentina Welley for her wonderful invitation, and for organizing everything so well, to Michael Duerr for all his help with the screening of the films, and last but not least to the amazing musician and my collaborator Hayato Nakao for the unique and powerful music in my "Holes in Light" short film.

I am happy to share that I will present my video "Holes in Light" again in its performative way, but in a different setting and context at Ars Electronica in Linz on Sept. 5, as part of the project DEEP STAGE and ARTeo: Environmental Data for Artists.

Kindly invited to SAVE THE DATE for Sept. 5. The invitation will follow.