UPscaleREscaleLACE collection is composed of vintage UPscaled garments REscaled with web-like LACE prints from my recycled found lace WEBbing assemblages.
My UPscaleREscale collection with my UPscaleREscale LACE does not want to segregate – it wants to unite.
It wraps around every curve and adapts to it, responding to all cultural requirements, covering and uncovering a dialogue with multi-layered and multi-coloured contexts and situations in a LACE like global web.
It is ultra hardcore chameleonic – culture wise & climate wise, corresponding to changing environmental and climate conditions - UPscaling REscaling - supporting sustainability, NOT consumerism.
All items are unique vintage pieces with a history of their own, but upscaled and rescaled with hand-printed lace motifs from my WEBbing lace series. These are composed of laces (found, recycled, donated, and bought at various flea markets from around the world) that I build up into unique formations. These particular ones are from my WEBbing series, exhibited globally from 2012 to today, in locations such as Buenos Aires, New York City, Nairobi, Ljubljana, New Delhi, Vienna, Tokyo, Manila, Cairo, Berlin, Bern, Mexico City, Hawaii, and even the ISS (International Space Station).
Thanks to everyone who came to the X-MAS happening at Winter-Wende SALON at the Essinger's Art Club in Mödling, to the artist talk with participating artists: Tom Eller, Oliver Feistmantl, and Edelgard Gerngross, and to my multimedia performance "Holes in Light".
"Holes in Light" uses the motif of my shadow (from my analog photography series: "Gr@y Matter - language of shadows") as a common denominator for expressing human presence - human traces - human potentials. Overlaid with satellite images depicting so-called "Earth’s tender zones", "Holes in Light" exposes our collective human imprint on planet Earth, as a poetic apology to our one and only common planet Earth.
Thank you for providing me with these magnificent satellite images of our planet Earth, which inspired me to create this short film.
“Holes in Light” hopes to inspire further reflection - conversation - action for maintaining a homeostatic state and relation between humans and Earth.
Thank you to Florentina Welley, director of Essinger's Art Club, for this lovely evening, for presenting our works, leading the interesting artist talk, and hosting my performance. Thank you to my collaborator, musician Hayato Nakao, for making the mesmerizing and deeply touching music for my "Holes in Light" video.
If you were unable to see the Winter-Wende exhibit now, you are kindly invited to see it until the middle of Jan.
Copyright © Eva Petric, 2024, Bildrecht Vienna, All rights reserved.